Tag Archives: Bonanza

‘Bonanza’ (Season 2): Popular Western picks up steam, gallops into Top 20

The Cartwrights ride into Season Two!

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‘Bonanza’ hits DVD – all 431 remastered episodes on 112 discs! Are you ready?

I really do need to remember a seemingly simple yet profound observation from the good doctor, John Dolittle, when he received the unasked-for gift of that fabulous pushmi-pullyu: “How thoughtful of somebody….people are awfully nice.” Such was my immediate response a week or two back when my postman delivered a rather substantial carton containing inside a fabulous treasure: a complimentary Bonanza: The Official Complete Series DVD boxed set!

Continue reading ‘Bonanza’ hits DVD – all 431 remastered episodes on 112 discs! Are you ready?